deep green
a blog about fungi, forests & the natural world
The Road Runs Long
Long Covid stretches on and on, but clinicians are working tirelessly to help.
The new frontier of health and wellness is 4,000 years old
Science backs up what our ancestors believed
Let this sink in
Fungi ‘climate warriors’ are sinking our CO2 but we're getting in the way.
Forest bathing, done properly
It’s not a dip in icy river water. It’s not just a walk in the woods either.
Kiss The Ground
Agriculture and our food system are on the brink of positive change. We’ll do what we can to tip the scale. Here’s how to regenerate beautiful, bountiful soil.
Your Second Brain
Experts call the gut our ‘second brain’ — and Lion’s Mane can keep it healthy. Image credit: CDC
Forest Feels: Mental Mito
Bolsonaro speaks out both sides of his mouth, forgets the internet exists.
Forest Feels: The Amazon Basin (2)
Proposal: a Bolsonaro psilocybin trip to help the plight of the Amazon.
Forest Feels: The Guardian of the Amazon Rainforest
Your new hero: Ivaneide Bandeira Cardozo. ‘The Guardian of the Forest’ has dedicated her life to the Amazon forest, its indigenous peoples and the air you breathe.
Forest Feels: The Amazon Basin
The awesome Amazon, home to hundreds of mushrooms and now illegally for sale on Facebook Marketplace.
Functional Mushrooms: Hogwash or Here to Stay?
We’ve all seen health fads come and go. So it’s reasonable to raise an eyebrow at functional foods.